Philine K
Beautiful traditional relaxing guesthouse It has been a fantastic stay. Everything was very well curated - from the room, to the breakfast, the hot private bath, and the organization around - I had a great experience. I can highly recommend to stay with them. Thank you for making these three days special. - 11/07/2024
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Yingshan Z
Excellent value and service Extraordinary experience at a lovely and neat inn. The service is so good and the owner is extremely nice and helpful. The place is great and very dry convenient. Private bath available for reservation. Would definitely come back here if we visit izu again. - 11/01/2024
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扶月 嬴
Nice hotel Very nice one-night stay. The hotel is Not far from station, around 8min walking distance. Although that, the landlord can provide the pickup service and even take us to land views . So helpful and convenient. The lounge includes PS4, massage chair, coffee etc. all free. - 9/03/2024
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Lovely, traditional stay close to station with nice amenities 😀 - Our room was very large and clean (including cleaning during the day while we were out). The baths are easy to book online and the other amenities such as a massage chair, board games and free coffee / tea during the day were great. We ate breakfast one morning at the stay, which was beautifully presented and affordable in price. As English speakers with limited vocabulary in Japanese, the staff was very accommodating and easy to communicate with. 😞 - There are lovely onsen baths and showers that can be booked, but some travelers may find it odd to not be able to quickly take a shower without a reservation. We did not have an issue though as the baths were typically available when we wanted to use them and the booking was very easy. - 1/06/2025
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Shelly Lin
服務非常非常好,是此次9天日本旅行行程中最印象深刻的住宿!櫃檯有台灣女生能夠溝通無礙,也很熱心。老闆有空就會協助接送到車站、景點,實在非常非常體貼到我們都感到很不好意思住宿體驗也很好、一入房就準備好熱水壺內放好熱水、大浴場的管理系統兼顧隱私&方便性,可以同房間包場不用與陌生人共浴,十分貼心整體來說超級推薦!!! - 1/07/2025
◯温泉大小ふたつがあり、QRコードから予約制。家族連れなどは非常に利用しやすいと思います。浴衣やアメニティも整っており、清潔でした。換気扇と窓がついており室温の調節もしやすい。◯設備コーヒー、紅茶のサービスあり。プレイステーション5あり。団欒の間あり。◯部屋利用は和室素泊まりでした。非常に広くて快適!ただし木造家屋とあり、夜中や早朝に階段を登り降りして建物がきしむ音が気になる部屋もあるかも知れません。冷蔵庫、テレビ、クローゼットなど完備されています。◯その他宿泊客等条件はあるかも知れませんが、大室山への送迎をしていただけました。事前に確認しておいたほうがよいかも知れません。全体としてよい旅行体験でした。 - 1/03/2025
Service: The ryokan is family owned and their service is top notch. They answered all of my questions, and allowed me to leave my luggage before check-in time and after check-out time. Their onsen can be booked privately via the QR code present in the front desk or mini-book (about the inn) present in the room. When I checked out, the dad owner offered to drive and dropped me off at the train station.Breakfast: You should definitely add this service when you booked in this ryokan. It was really delicious. I love all especially the mochi.Room: It was really spacious as there was a partition which separates the main room from the foyer. In the main room, you will find the futon, dressers, big wooden table and chairs, balcony, etc. There are two types of bathroom (American and Japanese) and it was just outside the room along with the faucet. (The dad owner explained the location of each room in the ryokan.) The hallway is well-lit.Location: It's a 15-min walk from the train station and another 15-min walk from the bus stop lined with cherry blossoms tree (bus going to Mt. Omuro). It is also near from the hiking course going to the Jogosaki coast. - 1/03/2025
位置距离车站很近 老板主动联系接站 而且还在第二天送我们去景区 虽然没有独立浴室 但是公用浴室预约方便也很干净 公共区域也是非常方便舒适 周边便利店购物便捷 是很好的选择 - 8/19/2024
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住了三晚四天,带孩子来体验传统的日式旅馆,感受到了老板的细心周到,旅馆的洗漱用品很齐全,日常用的基本上都有,有几位台湾的小姐姐服务也很热情,都说国语,完全不用担心语言问题。来之前唯一的担心是隔音不好,住进来之后发现完全听不到外面说话。从到伊豆高原站老板就来接我们了,第二天去大室山也是老板开车送的我们,第三天去热海老板送的我们去车站,第四天回东京,老板又是一大早的把我们送到车站,真的无比的感动,期间我们打了一次出租车,三公里左右,花了2800多,瞬间觉得我们把这几天的房费都赚回来了。酒店有早晚餐,马路对面有个居酒屋,叫什么食堂的,只有晚餐时段才营业,老板也很热情,两人吃饱喝足花了不到两百,老板看我们中国来的还送了果盘,西瓜和静冈蜜瓜,出门往左一百米有家永旺,也可以去逛逛,如果来大室山玩,推荐这家旅馆 - 7/10/2024
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非常好的房东!晚上办理入住,因为行李落在JR车站了,大晚上房东依然开车带我去车站找,服务很棒! - 10/31/2023
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-2018 Traveler’s Choice Awarded Ryokan-
As a popular inn in Japan, Hinodeya Ryokan is ranked fifth in “Travelers’ Choice Hotel Award 2018” inn (B & B, IN) on the world’s largest travel site “TripAdvisor”